What Our Partners  Are  Saying . . .

  • May God always protect Israel. Thanks & God bless your ministry. Maria O

    Maria Orbe, Canada

  • Jesus chose the Jewish people as His and promised them the inheritance of the land that was ordained to Abraham and his descendants. They hear and understand that His promises still exist for His chosen people.

    Anonymous, United States

  • I love Israel and I'm grafted into God's chosen people. I wish I could give more and hope to as soon as I can. Blessings.

    Helen Ellis, Australia

  • Where my treasure is, is where my heart is. B Guda

    Bukeka Guda, South Africa

  • To the people in Israel and to all members of the Hebrew nation everywhere: Shalom. Christians around the world stand united with Israel. Peace be with you and may God bless, now and forever. Shalom. Shalom.

    Danny Fuller, United States

  • May God bless you and protect your land.

    John Adams, United States

  • Hashem bless Israel and His people, may Adonai open the spiritual eyes of the people of His Promise Land and those scattered around the world that Yeshua Ha\'mashiach is their true God and Saviour that Adonai has sent to them!

    Kim Ho, Australia

  • Thank you for the work you are doing to take the gospel to the lost and the broken. I have been blessed with the encouragements shared by your ministry every week. God bless your work abundantly.

    Salilo Ward, New Zealand

  • God bless Israel and protect your people. Strengthen the soldiers in the IDF. Give them a double portion of your grace and blessings and protection today. Lord bring this ugly war to a peaceful end. God bless all at Messianic prophecy bible.

    Cathal Mckenna, Ireland

  • I believe the Jews are God\'s chosen people and I want to bless them.

    Sandrah Grace, Australia